Friday, March 13, 2009

March show - Day 1

Here is a quick recap of the show.

Kaswyn went to the show because the vet thought the foot looked fine. If he's sound on it tomorrow like he was today then he will show Saturday and Sunday.

Albert won his Training Level Test 1 class with a 66% (the second highest score of the day).

Albert also won his Training Level Test 2 class with a 67% (the highest score of the day).

I will post video and my test score sheets so you all can watch the tests and read what the judge had to say. But that will have to wait until tomorrow because right now it's 10:30 and I have to feed in the morning, so I'm going to bed. Cause I rode four times today (worked both horses then showed Albert in two classes) and I'm TIRED.

But let the record show that I'm very proud of Albert. He is awesome.


Leah said...

Awesome! Go Albert!

Clover Ledge Farm said...

Congrats! :) :) :)

20 meter circle of life said...

YA hooooo!!! Good job Albert

Katie said...

yayayayayay! That is fantastic! Well done to both of you!

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