Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Happy boy

Kaswyn is happy. Right now he's sound. And so happy that I was riding him (I didn't work him hard, I just wanted to see if he was sound on a straight line instead of on a circle on the lunge line) that I could hardly keep him from cantering.

But he was sound and happy. So am I. Let's keep this up, huh?


Achieve1dream said...

Yes! Let's keep it up! Good happy, healthy, positive thoughts coming your way from my gang. Go Kaswyn!

HammerHorses said...

I hope he stays sound! He is certainly one lucky guy to have had such a loving and caring owner the majority of his life!

Ms Martyr said...

Congratulations! I hope he keeps feeling better. It's sure been a long road for you.

Rebecca said...

Woot! So happy to hear!

Laura said...

Woot!! Let's hope this is a harbinger of things to come!

Jen said...

Hooray for both of you (nothing like a happy ending ;o)

Rising Rainbow said...

I sure hope so!!!! That is so cool!

Header Image from Bangbouh @ Flickr