Times are tough right now. The economy sucks, everyone is worried about their investments, their jobs, and how much stuff costs. Things just got scarier for our little family today. Craig's work has been laying people off rather steadily for months now. He's been able to dodge the bullets so far, but the problem is we never know when it could happen to us. We have been through this three times in the past, so we know that we can make it through again if he were to get laid off. But we'd really like for him to keep his job, thank you very much.
Today they laid off four people is his department. He wasn't one of them. But this is getting too dicey for my comfort level. That is why I've made the difficult, but realistic, decision to not show the horses this year. The show this weekend is paid for, so I'll be going for sure. But I had planned to go to one other show in April, Regionals in June, and Sport Horse Nationals in September.
Since Kaswyn is already qualified (for life) for Nationals at Fourth Level and Prix St. Georges, I could conceivably go to just Nationals if he's ready. Albert will probably get half of the scores he needs this weekend, so he would just need one more show to qualify for Nationals. Susan said she could afford one more local show this summer, probably in August. So the plan is to wait until entries are due for Nationals and see where our finances are. If things look okay, then we'll go. But if the situation gets worse and our financial situation is in bad shape, then I stay home this year.
And, if that wasn't bad enough, I don't have high hopes of Kaswyn even making it to the show this weekend. His foot looks a lot better, but he was moving really funny up front and was super stiff from not doing anything for a week. I was supposed to have a lesson but he felt so bad that my trainer got on him instead. She agreed that he was stiff and moving funny, but she hasn't lost hope quite yet. I'm going to ride him tomorrow with lots of bending and stretching, and then Thursday she will come back and evaluate him. So that is the make or break point for him - if he's going well then he goes to the show. If not, he stays home. Albert, as usual, has been a super star and was blowing us away with his trot lengthenings tonight. That little bay horse can trot if he wants to! So at least I'll have one horse to show this weekend.
Both of these situations make me really sad. Not only will Kaswyn most likely miss the show this weekend, but he may not get in the ring at all this year. I know I should be happy that I still have the money to keep him (and I am) but is it so wrong to want more?
The Week In Pictures
5 years ago
As much as it hurts to make that kind of call, it's the right call to make. Here's hoping that everyone stays employed and you get to kick some show ring butt!
That's a tough break, but I'm sure things will get better eventually. I'm happy to be able to keep our horses too. You've made a decision that is so unselfish and who knows maybe you will be able to make a few shows this year. We never know how things will turn out. I hope Kaswyn's foot heals by showtime.
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