Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
I told Susan I was moving Kaswyn, and I don't think she was happy about it. I can understand that. She liked having me around to talk to, and she had just gotten that trailer so that we could go out trail rides together. We hadn't been able to go much lately due to our work schedules, and I suppose we could still go, but then she'd have to come and get me. Possible, I know, but not as easy.
Then I told Marge. I was straight with her and told her that I was tired of working on the arena. She said she understood, and that she would do it but she just can't physically get it done anymore. She was sad to see me go and hoped that I was making the right decision. I would be sad to leave too, but it would give me more time to ride instead of doing arena work.
I think the worst thing was knowing I'd have to leave Albert behind. I love that little horse and he has SO much talent, and has made me a much better rider. But I know Susan won't move him, because she cleans stalls in exchange for board. Why would she move to a place where she has to pay board just so I can ride him? She can only walk on a horse because her back is so bad, so moving him would only help me.
I finally came to terms with leaving Albert by recognizing that he's 18, and he's not really thrilled with the places we are going in our training right now. He doesn't like flying changes and doesn't want to learn them. I could press the issue, but I felt like the last few months have really made him unhappy. And I am suspicious that he's got something brewing in the right hind. He's not lame, but he swaps leads a lot on the lunge line going to the right. So I guess it's best to let him retire. He's done some great things in his career, and I'd rather leave with him still liking me rather than have him dread me ride him by pushing the flying change issue.
I made arrangements to move him on November 1st. My trainer would come over and pick us Kaswyn up after work. The day before the move I went to the barn with Craig and we loaded up all my crap and moved it to the new place. When we got there I saw that there was a hay wagon loaded with hay in the middle of the arena. Hmm. Well, lets hope that's not there for a long time and that they were just in the process of moving the hay into the loft. Cause I'd hate to ride around it for weeks. I'll have to ask about that.
Anyhow, everything was a go. I showed up on Monday to get Kaswyn ready to leave. My trainer would be arriving in about 30 minutes and I wanted him to be clean and ready to go when she pulled in. I opened his stall door and right in the doorway of his stall I saw what looked like watery cat puke. "Huh??" I said out loud, and then looked at my horse.
Kaswyn turned his head towards me and I said "What the hell??" Then I realized what was going on, and I called the vet, trying not to panic.
To be continued...
The Week In Pictures
5 years ago
Choke? Good for you for calling the vet right away, whatever it is/was. Good thoughts pointed your way...
What the hell? Cat puke? I'm interested to see what this is...
Oh no! I can guess what's happening... Poor Kaswyn!
I hope he is okay.
Oh my gosh, I hope everything is okay.
Yikes! I think I saw something about this on Facebook so I'm pretty sure I know what happened.
You write stories well by the way. Has me on the edge of my seat!
Awww just noticed this was written today so I have to wait until tomorrow to see how it turns out. :( Torture.
The suspense is killing me!!!
Trust the queen of suspense!! I hope Kaswyn is OK and you have the time to write Part 5 in a minute!
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