Part 1
One evening weeks ago I went to my trainer's barn to drop something off before I went to ride. We ended up chatting and I found myself not wanting to leave her place and go deal with the arena, which I knew was dry, dusty, and in need of a dragging. and pooped needed to be picked out of there and holes needed to be filled. I know that it's bad when I don't want to go ride. I told her what was going on in my head, and she and I started to brainstorm to find solutions.
Eventually I asked about a barn I know she teaches in, and it's a place that has Arabians. There is a trainer there but she's just starting to really get into dressage. She's been taking lessons from my trainer for a couple of years, so I had my trainer contact her and ask about board. I wasn't sure if I would move there, but I wanted to get more info.
We ended up going over to the barn to have a look-see. I'd actually been there before and had met the Arab trainer. I looked at a horse she had for sale when I was looking for Kaswyn. I remembered the barn and she remembered me.
This barn has an indoor and an outdoor arena, grass turnouts, round pens, and a trail around the property. And the arenas are maintained, so I wouldn't have to water and drag anymore. Still, I was hesitant.
My trainer had to leave, but I stayed and ended up talking for a while with the new trainer. She showed me a horse she had for sale, and the horse in the next stall caught my eye. A half-Arab buckskin. Ohhhh. He was three, and he was cute as a button. I said I'd love to see him go. She said sure, stop by the next Monday and I could watch him work, and ride him if I wanted.
Yeah I wanted to ride him! I told her I'd be there.
To be continued...
The Week In Pictures
5 years ago
5 parts? Really? I am already feeling very tortured at the end of part 2. Sending good blogging mojo north so we can get the whole story very soon! :)
Oh, the buckskin draw is impossible to resist!
Buckskin half Arab drool.
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