I got tagged by Equine Spirit. This is a new one for me, and I decided that I'd do it.
The rules are...
You must post the rules before you give your answers.
After you've been tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and answers.
You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name.
Each fact must begin with that letter.
If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name/last name.
At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and need to read your blog for details).
Here are my answers -
And I'm tagging -
Echo at Diary of a Young Horse
Wiola at Freelance Instructor's Diary
Julia at Mood Swings in Med School
Also, I got tagged by A Girl and Her Horse for the Seven Things Meme, and I was a giant pill and didn't do it because I'd already been tagged. After thinking about it, I decided not to do seven things about me, but what I remember most about Eight Horses from the school horse herd that I started out riding when I was 12 years old.
Eight Horse Profiles
Alpha horse. Older appy gelding with eggbar shoes and a fiesty attitude. Dallas was a beginner horse but would sometimes show up in the intermediate or advanced classes, but he didn't jump. We always had to be careful where and how we tied Dallas to the row of hitching posts where the horses stood waiting for lessons because Dallas would get into mischief. His favorite things were kicking over the brush buckets, grabbing a whip in his teeth and whacking things (horses and people too) with it, and untying himself or his neighbor.
Second in command. Older white gelding pony. Snowball was also a beginners horse who liked to jump but didn't get the opportunity to do so much due to his age. He was also a popular mount for the kids because he had the habit of coughing or sneezing and farting loudly at the same time, which made everyone giggle. I also found out one day that he didn't like the top of his rump touched while being ridden. He let me know about it by bucking quite athletically for an old fart. Being 12, of course I did it again while my friends and I just laughed.
Chestnut (of course) gelding. Probably an appendix Quarter Horse but I'm not sure. Chester was an intermediate/advanced horse who jumped. He had to be put down while I was still taking riding lessons there. I think he foundered but I'm not sure. There was talk of putting him down and none of the adults would tell us kids anything about why or when. We wanted to be there, but they made sure it was done when we weren't around. I have a shoe from him in a box somewhere that has his name and the date he died written on it.
Palomino Quarter Horse gelding with a brand on his neck of "56". He was a tall, thin, beginner/intermediate horse and was the first horse I took a lesson on. I'm pretty sure he had navicular syndrome because I remember him moving very stiffly at times. He was a favorite and was always requested by riders because of his great attitude. Very quiet, laid back, and obedient.
Liver chestnut with some white socks and a blaze. I have no idea what breed but he was average height, kind of round, and had good bone. Intermediate/advanced horse. This is the one horse that I didn't get along with at all. He was ornery and stubborn, but he gave great rides to some people. Monty arrived after I had been taking lessons for a few years and we quickly found out that he could not be tied to the hitching rail with the other horses. Several broken halters and lead lines later I learned what "pulling back" meant, and Monty was then always tied to a tree with a chain. This seemed to suit him just fine, and for some reason he never attempted to pull back on that chain. One or two rides on him convinced both of us that we weren't a good match and I never rode him again.
Chestnut gelding with some white socks and a flaxen mane and tail. Arab cross of some kind. Advanced horse who loved to jump. Ranger came to the barn after I had a few years of lessons but for weeks nobody rode him but Blair because he was so hot. Eventually he settled in and he was a blast to ride, especially on trail rides because he loved to run up hills (which all the kids loved to do too). He was a bit spooky but not malicious, and was an exciting ride.
Black bay gelding. Probably a thoroughbred cross. Advanced horse. Tommy was a retired event horse and he loved to jump. I think soundness issues brought him to the barn because there were days that he had to be trotted before we'd tack him up to check if he was lame. My friend Jean-Marie who got me into riding loved Tommy and really wanted to buy him. I only rode him a few times because if Jean was there it was understood that she'd be riding him.
Bay with 4 white socks, a blaze, and a large "X" brand on his left hip. Probably a clydesdale cross. Beginner to advanced horse. Moose was just like his name implied - big and plodding and kind of lazy. Moose was the first horse I loved. He would do anything if you pushed him, including gallping up hills or jumping. Jean and I used to talk about somehow raising money to build our own barn, buy Tommy and Moose, and live there forever with our two lovely mounts. Ah, the dreams of two teenageers.
Years after I had left that barn I drove passed the paddock where the school horses lived and I think I saw Ranger and Monty. Sadly, I'm sure none of those horses is still around, but they sure helped me learn a lot about horses and riding. I wish I had pictures of them all, but I don't think I have any. I'll see if anyone else from the old days has some. Those boys were quite a crew.
I'm not tagging anyone with this, but feel free to jump in with Eight (or Five or Two) Horse profiles.
The Week In Pictures
5 years ago
I love the profiles. You bring to mind for my first pony. I was about 3 or 4 when we got him and he was the pony that every kid dreams of. A black and white very rotund pinto. I have no idea how old he was. He came with all shiney black matching western tack and a pair of red cowboy boots for me. The thing was I was to small to get on by myself unless I could stand on a fence or something, and he was to clever for that. So I would be put on Bozo and allowed to ride inour fenced yard, unfortunately Bozo would make exactly on lap around the house and very carefully lay down so I had to get off. Then into the house I went for and Adult to come put me back on as Bozo was upright again and grazing happily. I cant imagime how I drove my parents crazy with "please come help with Bozo", its a wonder they let me keep him. I was allowed to ride "drag" when we moved cows in fall and spring and the little guy was up to the task. I dont recall him ever trotting or cantering always walking. I dont remember what happened to him but do know he was replaced by an evil dapple gray pony named Spunky, who was just that. I do love that ponies seem to always come with a bag of tricks that you must learn to decode as you move forward. Thanks for bringing these memories to me, its a nice way to start a Sunday morning.
There are a number of chestnuts in your horse profiles. You must have some kind of kharma thing to them.
Yes, maybe it's a red-headed thing. :)
You are definitely chestnuts bound :) Is is just me or is this word made up of chest and nuts? (nuts as in a tiny bit crazy;) ;)))
The common believe in the UK is to avoid chestnuts mares - they seem to be quite a handful many a time :)
I will take care of the Middle Name Tag shortly :) As to the horses, I think I will leave it for now as listing them now would give away too much and spoil the Story I am writing at the moment!
It's a great idea though and loved reading about yours :)
Geez, I have a couple of chestnut mares and they are not crazy at all. They are actually quite sweet and very east to deal with. Firey I will acknowledge but crazy is another thing all together.
I wouldn't know about chestnut mares, since I try to avoid mares if possible. I'm sure I could find a special mare that I could have a good relationship with, but that beautiful bay mare I rode for years really soured me on the mare attitude.
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