A few weeks ago I was contacted by the nice folks at Dressage Today to help them with a program they are running called "Dressage Today New Year, New You Challenge". If you get Dressage Today (and I don't know why you wouldn't if you ride dressage....) you've probably seen the ads in the latest issue. Here is the info I received from the content manager -
"The challenge sign-up page can be found at: http://www.equisearch.com/newyearnewyou. Starting on January 1, 2012, participants will receive a short daily email tip from experts on exercise, nutrition and mental health for horse and rider. The goal is to keep riders (from any discipline, any level) on track at the beginning of the new year, especially because winter can be such a hard time to stick with a program. We’ve got tips from Olympic riders, nutritionists, veterinarians, sport psychologists, bloggers (like you!) and everyone in between. "
It looks like Smart Pak is also sponsoring the program, which is great because I think they are an awesome company. :)
Anyhow, I contributed one of the tips for the challenge! Actually, I gave them five tips and they picked one, so I figure I'll sprinkle the "unused" tips around this here blog during January, just for fun.
I signed up for the challenge already. Did you?
The Week In Pictures
5 years ago