Wednesday, May 23, 2007

As heard from the back seat

Lily, Macey and I were driving home tonight and we passed construction which, judging from the smell, must have been on a sewer line.

ME: Whew! Lily, doesn't that stink?

LILY: Yeah, that's probably me.

ME: Why do you say that?

LILY: Because I touched Daddy, and he is stinky. So it made me stink too.

Ah well. They were getting baths anyway.


craig said...

It's true! I touched her, and I did stink!

Rafaella Kopper said...

Your daughters are very funny. =)

Lil Kate said...

Uh oh - sounds like Daddy needs to get in the tub asap, too!

Rising Rainbow said...

Out of the mouths of babes! LOL

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