Monday, April 11, 2011

Always in a rush...

Lately I just don't know where my times goes! I'm super busy and don't have time to do a full update, but I'll give you a hint. I think this whole thing with Kaswyn is going to work out. I'm trying a new thing that has worked on other horses at our barn and I'm hopeful. I want this to work! More details later. I have to run to the barn right now - Kaswyn's getting his shoes back on and I don't want to be late! (Not like my blacksmith has EVER been late... haha!)


Minus Pride said...

YAY!!! This is so exciting!!! I can't wait to hear more!!

Achieve1dream said...

I'm so excited! I can't wait to hear what you're doing to help him. I hope it works!

Rising Rainbow said...

Oh, I so hope you're right! Crossing my fingers here....

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