Monday, February 21, 2011

I took a fall

Yup. That's a picture of my back and the big honkin' bruise and road rash I got from falling last Friday. And I wasn't wearing my helmet! But I have a really good excuse!

See, I didn't fall off a horse. I didn't even fall AT the barn. I fell getting out of the shower. Here is how it all went down -

I got out of the shower and, as usual, dried of as much as I could while I was still inside the shower - you know, cause inside the shower is still toasty warm. When only my feet were still wet I stepped out of the shower and onto the bath mat. Then I started to dry one of my feet. I had just picked it up and wrapped the towel around it when I leaned back too far and lost my balance. I quickly put the foot I was drying back down, but then a bunch of things happened all at once.

The foot hit the tile floor and not the bath mat, and either the foot or the floor was wet.
The foot slid out from under me, so instead of catching me while I was falling it sort of helped catapult me backwards.
I tried to put my hands back to catch myself, but they were all caught up in the towel so they were of no use to me.
I fell back against the counter of the sink, and then slid down the sharp edge of the counter, grating my skin on the way down.
I landed on the floor, wedged between the toilet and the sink, with the scale tipped up over my shins and my butt in the garbage can.

I fell kinda hard, and made such a racket that the cats, which usually hang around when I take a shower, ran for their lives. When I got myself untangled from the bathroom accessories my ears were ringing. I did a quick check to make sure I wasn't broken, and then I looked at my back in the mirror.

Then I started to laugh. I wish SO much that I'd had the whole thing on camera. I'm sure I looked ridiculous! Somehow I bashed my left leg up a bit. I'm not even sure what I hit it on, since I went down in such a spectacular heap. But I sure banged it on something cause it's got three nice bruises on it. I giggled for a bit and then, of course, posted the pic to Facebook and called Craig to have him look at the picture. He was concerned that I'd hit my head and didn't know it. I'm pretty sure I didn't hit my head.

Good thing too. I really don't want to wear my helmet in the shower.


Ms Martyr said...

Ooh, nice ink. Hope you're okay and not too stiff and sore from this.
I was taking a shower once and realized I'd forgotten to turn on the fan. Hopped out, hit the switch and hopped back in. My feet slipped out from under me and I hit my head on the back of the tub loud enough that the dogs started barking on the other side of the bathroom door. Unsure if I knocked myself out or not but the running water got me going again.
Guess I shouldn't worry about cracking my noggin open falling off a horse. Obviously I'm hard headed.

Gina said...

I like your tattoo! Very cute!

And that's a really fun way to fall. Much less traumatizing when it's only on your own and you don't have to deal with chasing down a runaway mount.

Hope your back heals quickly, though!

Rising Rainbow said...

oh man, while I'm really glad you didn't do that on a horse, I'm not so sure that kind of a wreck in the bathroom is a good thing either. And think about it, had there been a camera, you'd have been naked in those pics. Maybe you did hit your head, if you're thinking pics would have been a good thing. LOL

However, all joking aside, I'm glad you didn't break something and I hope you heal quickly. That looks like a nasty painful bruise.

Rebecca said...

That would make it difficult to wash your hair..... :) Glad you are alright!

Jane said...

AARP tells us (over and over) that the bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house. Hm. You could invent the shower helmet? Wash your hair through the holes? Make a fortune?

That does look like a nasty horse fall. I hate those. Spouses never believe they are NOT horse falls. :)

Glad you're okay!

Kate said...

Of course the worse accidents never happen when you're riding ;) I've cracked my skull open twice, but never because of a horse. Once it was because a light fall on my head. Seriously! I think getting dumped would make a much less pathetic story than having al ight fall on your head. Hope the back feels better!

Val said...

Interesting camera angle and OUCH! That scrape looks painful.

Are you sure this is not an elaborate scheme to mask a riding accident? Just kidding, of course.

My aunt was bitten by a horse when she was nine and pretended that she fell off her bike in gravel. The doctor did tell my Oma that the injury looked like an animal bite, but my aunt did not fess up until she was well into her thirties. She was afraid that she would be banned from horses. Not an option, even in her nine-year-old mind!

Laura said...

I'm sorry, but I was giggling while reading - not very compassionate - but your description is so much like things I do at home in the mud...

Wearing a helmet in the shower would make your hair really ugghy...

Laura said...

I'm so sorry, but I was giggling while reading your post - not very compassionate - but it reminded me so much of stuff I do at home in the mud!

Glad you're relatively ok.

And, don't wear your helmet in the shower - your hair would get really ugghy...

Anonymous said...

Haha! This is funny only because I can relate to being accident prone and hurting myself. Hope you feel better though, that looks awful!

kippen64 said...

So glad that you weren't more seriously hurt. People have died in shower accidents.

Achieve1dream said...

Good grief!! That has to be the worst shower accident I've ever heard of. I hope you're feeling better and not in too much pain. That looks horribly painful. Ouch! Almost makes me afraid to get in the shower lol!

Anonymous said...

The bathroom can be a dangerous place! I passed out in the shower once and years before that so did my mom, and broke her nose in the fall. Glad it wasn't any worse for you, although that is bad enough!

Jen said...

So you and Laura both have now proven that it is clearly far more dangerous in the house than on a horse. Yikes :oP Hope it heals up quickly!

Header Image from Bangbouh @ Flickr