Saturday, June 28, 2008

Did the arena footing get fixed today?

No, it did not.


Unknown said...

Nooooo!!! I was really hoping this would FINALLY be fixed. Is there any news of when he might get started now?

20 meter circle of life said...

Oh geez, well keep us posted.

Jen Travers said...

I'm not sure if you have a subscription to Dressage Today--but the July 2008 issue has a three page article about arena footing. Some of the article relates to very high tech options, and I know you aren't quite in the position to go out and get new footing, but I thought you might enjoy reading it anyway.

If you don't have a subscription, let me know and I can send you the article (it isn't online, but I can pdf it to you).

Dressage Mom said...

I do get Dressage Today, and I haven't had a chance to read that article. New footing would be great, but that's totally not going to happen. I'll just be thrilled to fix the footing that's in there!

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